Dr. Sandy R. Pernitzsch
Scientific Illustrator
I am a scientist with a strong educational background and work experience in molecular infection biology, microbiology, and cell biology. In particular, I acquired profound expertise in DNA and RNA biology in diverse model systems, including bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, during my PhD (finished in 2015) and postdoctoral studies. However, not only do I love science, but also art and design. Therefore, since 2016 I have been studying graphics design – initially in parallel to my postdoctoral research – and from the beginning of 2017, I am working as an independent scientific illustrator. Since then, I have had the pleasure to work with a variety of clients from all over the world on graphical support, including tailor-made illustrations for scientific publications, presentations, grant applications, websites, books, and press releases.
I am trained and competent with a wide range of design software tools, including Adobe Creative and CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. My previous work at international and intercultural institutions enables me to vividly discuss creative and scientific ideas. I strongly believe in the synergistic power of scientific illustrations and primary data, and its necessity to effectively communicate scientific ideas, concepts, and research. My scientific background and practical research experience, combined with my artistic skills and expertise with professional computer graphics tools, provide an excellent platform to discuss graphical projects on a truly scientific basis.

Dr. Sandy R. Pernitzsch
Scientific Illustrator
I am a scientist with a strong educational background and work experience in molecular infection biology, microbiology, and cell biology. In particular, I acquired profound expertise in DNA and RNA biology in diverse model systems, including bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes, during my PhD (finished in 2015) and postdoctoral studies. However, not only do I love science, but also art and design. Therefore, since 2016 I have been studying graphics design – initially in parallel to my postdoctoral research – and from the beginning of 2017, I am working as an independent scientific illustrator. Since then, I have had the pleasure to work with a variety of clients from all over the world on graphical support, including tailor-made illustrations for scientific publications, presentations, grant applications, websites, books, and press releases.
I am trained and competent with a wide range of design software tools, including Adobe Creative and CorelDRAW Graphics Suite. My previous work at international and intercultural institutions enables me to vividly discuss creative and scientific ideas. I strongly believe in the synergistic power of scientific illustrations and primary data, and its necessity to effectively communicate scientific ideas, concepts, and research. My scientific background and practical research experience, combined with my artistic skills and expertise with professional computer graphics tools, provide an excellent platform to discuss graphical projects on a truly scientific basis.
Have ideas or questions for me?
Have ideas or questions for me?
I have had the privilege to work with a variety of wonderful clients from international research institutions, universities, and scientific publishing companies.
Thank you for your business.

Institute of Molecular Infection Biology
Research Center for Infectious Diseases
Prof. Andreas Bäumler
Prof. Jörg Vogel
Prof. Cynthia Sharma

Division of Intramural Research
Prof. Gisela Storz

MRC Centre for Molecular Bacteriology and Infection
Prof. David Holden

Production Editor
Megan Angelini, PhD

Department of Microbiology
Assistant Prof. Joan Geoghegan
Assistant Prof. Carsten Kröger

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Associate Professor Cari Vanderpool

Prof. Gérard Krause

Scientific Coordinator
Dr. Nina-Vanessa Littwin

ARNA laboratory - INSERM / CNRS
Fabien Darfeuille, PhD

Department of Medicine
Institute of Infection & Global Health
Prof. Melita Gordon
Caroline Cohen Eskind, MD

Prof. Kai Papenfort

Department of Microbiology
Prof. Thomas Rudel
Prof. Utz Fischer

Redox Biology & Cell Death
Dr. José Pedro Friedmann Angeli

Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik II
Universitätsklinikum Würzburg
Prof. Dr. Hermann Einsele
"I received your artwork for the book cover - it came across beautiful and really is a gorgeous image."
Megan Angelini, ASM Production Editor
"I also want to express our gratitude to Sandy Pernitzsch who, with her superb layout and design, has produced a very professional and attractive document that we can all be proud of."
Prof. Dr. David Holden, CMBI Director, Imperial College London